Scripture Reading - 2 Corinthians 10:5

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; KJV

Many people are asking the question, “How do I tell the difference between God’s Voice and my own voice”. This is a good question but it is not the right question to consider. The better question to ponder is, “How do I know the difference between right and wrong?” For 2 Corinthians 10:5 to work for you a good knowledge of God’s Word is required. Remember King Solomon prayed to God to be able to know the difference between bad and good in 1 Kings 3:9. In other words King Solomon, as a wise king, was looking for (seeking) “good judgment”. The Prophet Jeremiah speaks the Word of the Lord unto the King of Judah admonishing him to do no wrong but rather execute “good judgment” and righteousness in Jeremiah 22:2-4. This is basically saying doing what is right by using “good judgment” is better than doing whatever comes to your mind. In this verse of 2 Corinthians 10:5 we find the key to “good judgment”. “Good judgment” is God’s judgment concerning the matter at hand and even situations to come in the future. Many people don’t care how you long it took you to get the right answer, they only want to know do you have the right answer to help their problem. Dear Believer, we always have the right answer in Christ. The key is being trained in spirit and soul to seek God’s answer first with a willingness to do what He said. Jesus has already dealt with every problem known to man. We must separate His Words of truth from the reasoning of men or the lies of the devil. You don’t ever have to worry about hearing God’s Voice if you know God’s Word because God’s Word is God’s Voice to you and all mankind. I know this sounds simple and it is if you teach yourself to look diligently for the verses that concern your specific situation. You don’t need to ask a lot of people for help, you specifically need to ask the Lord Jesus for help and spend adequate time reading (studying) God’s Word until you know (or believe) that you found the right answer (resolution). The longer you do this the easier it becomes because the problems of people are common and often repetitive. If the motive (root, foundation) is love and the principle (the word) is godly the witness of peace will be presence in your heart. This is your blessed assurance that you have the wisdom of God. It really doesn’t matter whether it is the voice of God or the voice of your own heart as long as it is right. Avoid wrong decisions (bad judgment) by keeping God’s Word and you will never have to wonder if it is God or not because “Good Judgment” is God. Amen!